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  Things to know about Coaching
  • Defiinition 1/2

    Definition 1/2

    The word 'coaching' comes from 'coach' or 'bus'; or any means of transport in the broader sense.
    It describes an instrument that enables people to get from one point to another, to reach a destination or a target.

    Coaching is a structured, methodologically guided approach and enables individual, solution-oriented courses of action. The relationship between the coach and the coachee/client is characterized by mutual acceptance, respect and trust. This relationship is formed voluntarily, by the coachee's own choice. The coach guarantees absolute confidentiality. The content of the coaching sessions can be work-related or private. The coachees formulate their problems. Coaching is a form of process assistance, which helps the coachees to solve their problems and achieve their aims themselves – without the coach giving them solutions or telling them what to do.

    It is more about help to encourage self-help, about encouraging the coachees to take their fate into their own hands, to encourage self-responsibility.

  • Definition 2/2

    Definition 2/2

    The coachee's self-responsibility is being preserved at all times: The clients themselves are responsible for finding solutions. The coach is responsible for the process. During the coaching process, various methods and intervention techniques are used. There are no clear methodological boundaries. In practice, the use of hybrid forms is common. Coaching involves several sessions and is limited in time.


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